RIP Penguin

I’m really sad to say that Penguin died in the night. She was at the vet hospital and was going to have an X-ray in the morning, but she was having difficulty breathing. So they did one in the night and it looked like she had cancer that had spread to her lungs. She was only around 1 1/2. RIP my sweet sassy miss. :hit
View attachment 3061593
I’m sorry for your loss. That’s just too young. **** Cancer. :hugs:hugs:hugs
RIP Penguin

I’m really sad to say that Penguin died in the night. She was at the vet hospital and was going to have an X-ray in the morning, but she was having difficulty breathing. So they did one in the night and it looked like she had cancer that had spread to her lungs. She was only around 1 1/2. RIP my sweet sassy miss. :hit
View attachment 3061593
Oh no Lozzy! That is so sad. So young. So pretty.
I know you will miss her. I for one would love to see more pictures of her when you feel up to it.
Meanwhile, :hugs :hugs :hugs :hugs
So some Back Taxes and general photos, seeing S it’s just cloudy and cool and not like yesterday… although 1/3 of the girls are still hanging out in the trailer. Here’s Trouble, Meatball, and a few other volunteers to keep company in the meat tractor rehab pen. I’m treating Creamsicle for a prolapse so she is also in here, but not in the photo. She isn’t pleased with this one but.

Sammy being Beautiful as always… 🙄

Dean Hanging out by the Jeep:

Some Dustbathing Beauties:
RIP Penguin

I’m really sad to say that Penguin died in the night. She was at the vet hospital and was going to have an X-ray in the morning, but she was having difficulty breathing. So they did one in the night and it looked like she had cancer that had spread to her lungs. She was only around 1 1/2. RIP my sweet sassy miss. :hit
View attachment 3061593
It’s hard to change the bedding in the nest boxes when they do this!

I think this one is scouting for a new hiding place to get broody as the trusses aren’t available anymore

And the white one in the back here is playing at being broody then breaking her eggs every morning 😡

Also a fun game “count all the goats in the hayfield” I got 27… but might be wrong
Today we had the same weather as kris so no chicken photos.
This evening we had a heartbreak. Our beautiful girl Star past away. She was sweet, silly, exasperating, and extra cuddly always. We had her most of her 16.5 years. She hadn't been herself the last week, tonight she left us rather suddenly with both of us holding her.
Beautiful cat. I'm sorry you lost her. :hugs
It’s hard to change the bedding in the nest boxes when they do this!View attachment 3061667
I think this one is scouting for a new hiding place to get broody as the trusses aren’t available anymore View attachment 3061668
And the white one in the back here is playing at being broody then breaking her eggs every morning 😡View attachment 3061669
Also a fun game “count all the goats in the hayfield” I got 27… but might be wrongView attachment 3061673
I got 27 too 😁
Not really, but superficially maybe.
As My Pet Chicken hatchery birds - (maybe Meyer's carries a breed line) - Hazel looks to me to be closer to the SOP in feathering than the others, Butters the least. Popcorn exhibits the body shape and foraging temperament. I think the coloring is too light as far as the SOP.
Here's about the black bar and tail feathers. They make a comment that the RIR rooster tail feathers show differently in light than Buckeyes'. RIR are not shiny?


Photo 1: Undercolor (by Shumaker Farms)

Photo 2: Undercolor (by Shumaker Farm)

When looking at a Buckeye one cannot help but notice the beautiful dark mahogany sheen of their plumage.

This dark sheen is mainly attributed to the "bar of slate" (undercolor) that is beneath the exterior plumage. It shows as a charcoal grey color (as shown in Photos 1 through 3).

This special undercolor (often referred to as “smutt” by poultry judges) is mentioned in both the 1905 and 2010 SOP, and was specifically called out by Nettie Metcalf in her early journal discussions about plumage color. The darker the undercolor, the darker the bird.
Photo 3: Undercolor (by Shumaker Farms)

You can see the undercolor of a Buckeye by lifting the feathers located on the birds' back (as illustrated here). Note that Photos 1 through 3 show varying levels of undercolor. Some undercolor should be present in all Buckeyes (as specified by the SOP). The undercolor has to be closely monitored so that the dark color doesn't "bleed" onto the surface of the feather.

Photo 4: Undercolor (by Shumaker Farms)

Many of today's Buckeyes don't have this undercolor. Instead, the feathers are a light red all the way to the base of the feather (as shown in Photo 4). This is leading to Buckeyes becoming lighter in surface color, and should be avoided.


View attachment 3061037
Photo1: Tail (by Shumaker Farm)
View attachment 3061039
Photo 2: Tail (by Shumaker Farm)

MALE: Photos 1 and 2 are representative of how a cock should carry their tail and how the tail feathers should unfold or spread out.

As the standard suggests, the tail should be of medium length and size, carried moderately upright (roughly 40 degrees above the horizon). Sickles and coverts (secondary feathers) should be of medium length, nicely curved, and sufficiently abundant to cover the stiff primary feathers. Sickles and coverts should be shaded bay and black to avoid a sharp contrast between the body and tail. Pinched tails and excessively long secondary feathers are to be avoided.
Note that the camera flash shows the sheen of the tail feathers in Photo 2, making them look grey. This is one of the traits that separate the Buckeye from the Rhode Island Red, and illustrates that the feathers are not dull in color.
View attachment 3061040
Photo 3: Tail (by Shumaker Farm)

View attachment 3061041
Photo 4: Tail (by Shumaker Farm)

FEMALE: Photos 3 and 4 are representative of how a female should carry its tail and how the tail feathers should unfold or spread out. Note the color of the hen in Photo 4 is very light. This is due to the hen's age.
The female tail should be medium in length, fairly well-spread, carried at an angle of thirty degrees (30°) above horizontal.

This deserves a two-fer 'like'. Both the heart AND the informative (I). Thank you for this.

P.S. (For all) I must say that while RIR may have Buckeye heritage in them...they are definitely a distinct breed. Nearly ALL chicken breeds are an amalgam of multiple other breeds...then the genetics progressively selected for what is desired. So, by circuitous routes, probably most chickens are 'distantly related' to most other breeds.

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