I've been 'organizing' my chicken hard drive. I got drawn in to the pictures as one does.
This is Moon when she was younger. I love this picture of her.
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She is lovely. It is a great photo. I have to say I admire her even more now when she sets herself up in the big coop. She has a way with her that is very appealing.
Could Minnie be a Max?
I am a bit afraid of the answer, but Minnie was posing for me just now and looking at the photo I wondered if she could be a he.
Are those hackles?
I remember someone explaining that pointed hackle feathers were a way of telling gender.
Minnie I think is a day or two younger than Dottie and smaller but she has always been more adventurous and it looks like her comb is more developed.
They are 12 weeks old now and molting like crazy so I assume they are getting to their next development stage.
Pancake Theif

Aurora was caught blue-beaked having swiped a piece of blueberry pancake from Sydney.
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I've been thinking about how when Maleficent mooched and stole i found it endearing. Compared to how when Aurora does it I just shake my head. I was worried that I had eyes for Mal 😍 and was judging Miss Aurora too harshly.

I have come to the conclusion that it is about how they went about it. Mal thrived and ran. Aurora bullies. This too could be the product of their being bully-able hens below Aurora in the order whereas there were not for Mal.

I'm sure there is a certain amount of idealism going on as Maleficent is right up there with Daisy, the greatest hen ever, in the pantheon of Fluffy Butt Acres greats.
She seems quite pleased with herself!
Tackle is still limping a bit. I've just has a good look at the underside of her foot again and I can't see any foreign objects. I'm going to have to grab her tomorrow and have another look at the top of her leg and under her wing in case I've missed something. She's getting around okay and can run but the limp is noticable.
I don't know if this helps at all but before I joined BYC I had an alarming fox event when I was right by the Princesses. They all flew (quite high) to get away from a young fox who was as startled as they were.
Maggie landed like a canon-ball with a thump (she is not a small lady) and later that day I noticed she was limping badly.
As a new chicken tender I of course scoured BYC which told me to separate her but my instincts told me not to do that. I also remembered my old medical physiology about healing times and just watched her closely.
She was good at resting it (by standing on one leg and by sitting down often) and just like in humans it took several weeks, but she was completely healed. It is only because I have video that I can even tell which leg it was.
I know you know 10,000x more than I do about chickens, but I do know a fair bit of basic biology and physiology, and being patient may be the best thing.
Could Minnie be a Max?
I am a bit afraid of the answer, but Minnie was posing for me just now and looking at the photo I wondered if she could be a he.
Are those hackles?
I remember someone explaining that pointed hackle feathers were a way of telling gender.
Minnie I think is a day or two younger than Dottie and smaller but she has always been more adventurous and it looks like her comb is more developed.
They are 12 weeks old now and molting like crazy so I assume they are getting to their next development stage.
View attachment 2304643

I believe Minnie is Minnie. The color of her hackles make them look like they are more pointed then they are. Plus the saddle feathers are round as well.❤
Could Minnie be a Max?
I am a bit afraid of the answer, but Minnie was posing for me just now and looking at the photo I wondered if she could be a he.
Are those hackles?
I remember someone explaining that pointed hackle feathers were a way of telling gender.
Minnie I think is a day or two younger than Dottie and smaller but she has always been more adventurous and it looks like her comb is more developed.
They are 12 weeks old now and molting like crazy so I assume they are getting to their next development stage.
View attachment 2304643

Minnie is definitely a girl. I don't see any pointed feathers, and a cockerel would have a much bigger and redder comb by now.

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