Bad news at the Butler Hollow Coop. All the rain eroded the very edge inside the unfinished section of the shed. This created a chicken sized opening and a few of the pullets got out of the run at some point today. Powder, my first layer of stunning moss green eggs, is gone. The only sign of her or what happened to her is a few feathers outside the run. How could I have not noticed the hole! Sad, mad, and feeling just awful.

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Oh no! This os so sad. I’m so sorry.
Well no baby chicks there BUT I did check out the brooder plates, which were really too big - I might get a small one off Amazon (same brand just a smaller one).

They also had these awesome big bags of soldier fly larva! I bought a bag - and next week I think I will buy another!
Bon Appetite! :drool
Another chicken celebrity! I like that! The first I know of is Matilda (aka the creepiest chicken I've ever seen), who lived up to 16 years old. She died in 2006. Her birthday is unknown, other than being born in 1990 but she died on February 11, 2006

She's even a dancer.
That was great thanks!
I have a Pony Sunday Story from yesterday. And a video I don’t think I’ve shared here yet. I’ve got another but can’t get it to upload to YouTube so it will have to wait for Shower day and WiFi. The WWOOFers are emptying the barn up here of Hay (stuff the cows should have been fed in fall but… that’s another less fun story) so yesterday we popped the goats in the field and I was helping them with three loads while doing morning chores. Our goat walk was late! And on Friday there was a windstorm so they didn’t get any walk either. The Goats would like someone to report me for animal abuse because two days without a hike is unacceptable.

So, I am finally heading out after load three with their harnesses, expecting a rough start to the walk because of a large feral herd on the road and mountain, and having spent all Friday cooped up because the winds were gusting at 108kms/67mph. i guess Arsuinna got fed up waiting and when I went into the trailer to fetch the harnesses and lead she JUMPED the fence. So I tried tracking her with Jimmy and Ciaran, eventually gave up and penned Jimmy Ciaran was hiding in moms crate whining, and I set off on my own hollering “potato chips” and “crackers”. She was halfway to the bay and halfway up the mountain with two other does who stared at the crazy human in confusion. She heard the cracker bag rustling and nearly lept off a 50’ rock face. Collared, Crackered, and Leashed we headed back home… I was exhausted from this.

So, now I have a fence to make higher tomorrow, but still Three goats. When I walked her back home as soon as Ciaran spotted her he started crying, and she even answered him back… goats. I knew it wasn’t a good idea, but I’m a sucker, and I love them, and wouldn’t trade them for anything. Hopefully I can get a shower and that other video up for next week.
I don't know - your winter weather has been pretty horrid this year - especially given what you are used to/usually get!

But you still find a way to be out and about at times...if for no other reason but your animals need you to. You would probably go absolutely stir crazy in the little RV if you didn't, too!
True. We seem to be through our last cold snap (knock on wood) and fully into mud season here. I just need a couple good months of weather… heck, I’ll take a few nice weeks.
I have a Pony Sunday Story from yesterday. And a video I don’t think I’ve shared here yet. I’ve got another but can’t get it to upload to YouTube so it will have to wait for Shower day and WiFi. The WWOOFers are emptying the barn up here of Hay (stuff the cows should have been fed in fall but… that’s another less fun story) so yesterday we popped the goats in the field and I was helping them with three loads while doing morning chores. Our goat walk was late! And on Friday there was a windstorm so they didn’t get any walk either. The Goats would like someone to report me for animal abuse because two days without a hike is unacceptable.

So, I am finally heading out after load three with their harnesses, expecting a rough start to the walk because of a large feral herd on the road and mountain, and having spent all Friday cooped up because the winds were gusting at 108kms/67mph. i guess Arsuinna got fed up waiting and when I went into the trailer to fetch the harnesses and lead she JUMPED the fence. So I tried tracking her with Jimmy and Ciaran, eventually gave up and penned Jimmy Ciaran was hiding in moms crate whining, and I set off on my own hollering “potato chips” and “crackers”. She was halfway to the bay and halfway up the mountain with two other does who stared at the crazy human in confusion. She heard the cracker bag rustling and nearly lept off a 50’ rock face. Collared, Crackered, and Leashed we headed back home… I was exhausted from this.

So, now I have a fence to make higher tomorrow, but still Three goats. When I walked her back home as soon as Ciaran spotted her he started crying, and she even answered him back… goats. I knew it wasn’t a good idea, but I’m a sucker, and I love them, and wouldn’t trade them for anything. Hopefully I can get a shower and that other video up for next week.
:) beautiful - love how the mumble and grumble hahaha!
You leave those poor sweet cars right where they belong! Safe and sound in the Garage. If I had your winter weather to deal with I would probably never leave the house. 🥶
I actually think you may have had more snow than me so far. Lots of ice here this year.

Weather tax

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