I wasn’t able to go see Auggie this past week. Weather was bad all week. It’s supposed to be storming today, so I have to see if I can sneak out to the barn to ride.

I’m going to text my friend later today to see if she can help me get rid of Pastel. I still need to talk to my parents.

If I can go, I’ll get some pictures of Auggie for Pony Sunday.
But for now here’s a BFTP of Lenny. I think I was bareback when I took this photo. I was so scared- I hadn’t ever ridden him bareback. And the last time I had rode bareback was a year before, and I tried to canter the pony and she threw me off 😂💕 luckily she was a tiny Shetland pony, so I landed on my feet 😂View attachment 3836944
Don't be Smeagol.

Contact your friend re: Pastel and talk with your parents.
Pony Sunday

We had Eve's 5th birthday party at the zoo yesterday. Some non-chicken bird photos.




Are those conjoined ostriches?


This cheeky fellow was eating from the animal snacks while the kids had cupcakes.


She had a giraffe cake made of cupcakes!


And they ask enjoyed feeding the giraffes 🦒.
I have an idea of what to do with Pastel.

There is an animal rescue, and they take roosters. It’s about 40 minutes away, and I’m planning on taking him there.
They can either use him as a “work animal” (I forgot what they called it) which is where they can sell or slaughter him, breed him and all of the normal stuff.
And there is “sanctuary animal” which is where they will keep him until he dies of natural causes. The sanctuary one is what I’m probably gonna ask for. I don’t exactly want him to die.

I need to figure out when I can drop him off there. I wish that he stayed nice, but I can only do so much for him. My parents have been telling me to kill or get rid of him for ages, but I’ve defended him.

This is usually my pitch. Thanks for picking up while I have been distracted.
Well, your voice as a biologist obviously has a lot more weight !

I am sorry that some of the BYC members who know the more about worming and medicating, tend to prone very assertively a systematic use. I rarely react because I don't have enough experience keeping chickens and also due to the huge cultural gap between the US and Europe on that subject among others 😊.
Hey everyone.

Ugh, I caught the crud while out and about in Lexington Tuesday. It hit me early yesterday morning. Could not breath, congestion, body aches and my head feeling like it is going to explode. By midafternoon I gave up trying to do anything productive and just hit the bed and passed out. Rosie ended up going out and putting up the chickens although she forgot to gather the eggs. Today has been much the same. I will say I finally broke over this afternoon and tried the Mullen tea dad swears by. First let me say, I despise tea, hate, hate, hate the stuff. This afternoon, if I thought it would have cleared up my head I would have went outside and drank muddy chicken water. Dad brewed me a cup and I managed to drink it even though it tasted terrible. 30 minutes later, I can take my first deep breath in almost 2 days without a coughing fit and my nose stopped running. Dad has turned into a huge tea drinker and has all sorts of teas. He sorted threw his box and also told me the organic peppermint tea my help as well. I'm currently sipping on it. At least it tastes better. I will work on Part 2 of Momma hens story hopefully tomorrow if I am up to it.
Please, drink your mullein and peppermint tea and chicken water if it helps you heal and tell us more of Momma hen's story !
But I agree mullein tea is gross....in fact everything about mullein is gross. If it wasn't so hard to weed it would be gone from our place !
Here are some donkeys I saw while running this morning for Pony Sundays. These lucky guys live in huge hundred acres parks in the mountain. The people who own them have a donkey trekking business, so once in a while they carry a family's luggage or a child, but there are three herds of around 20 so they dont get to work too often !

And please send some good thoughts for our little Piou-piou. She's not doing well and we can't find what's wrong 😔.
I have an idea of what to do with Pastel.

There is an animal rescue, and they take roosters. It’s about 40 minutes away, and I’m planning on taking him there.
They can either use him as a “work animal” (I forgot what they called it) which is where they can sell or slaughter him, breed him and all of the normal stuff.
And there is “sanctuary animal” which is where they will keep him until he dies of natural causes. The sanctuary one is what I’m probably gonna ask for. I don’t exactly want him to die.

I need to figure out when I can drop him off there. I wish that he stayed nice, but I can only do so much for him. My parents have been telling me to kill or get rid of him for ages, but I’ve defended him.
I know it's hard to make a decision like this. Truly, once he is gone, everyone in your family will be relieved and your relationship with your flock will improve. He may have been nice, in the past, with you, but he hasn't been nice with your mom. I hope letting him go will make it easier to deal with his offsprings if they turn out not so nice.
Well, your voice as a biologist obviously has a lot more weight !

I am sorry that some of the BYC members who know the more about worming and medicating, tend to prone very assertively a systematic use. I rarely react because I don't have enough experience keeping chickens and also due to the huge cultural gap between the US and Europe on that subject among others 😊.

Please, drink your mullein and peppermint tea and chicken water if it helps you heal and tell us more of Momma hen's story !
But I agree mullein tea is gross....in fact everything about mullein is gross. If it wasn't so hard to weed it would be gone from our place !
Here are some donkeys I saw while running this morning for Pony Sundays. These lucky guys live in huge hundred acres parks in the mountain. The people who own them have a donkey trekking business, so once in a while they carry a family's luggage or a child, but there are three herds of around 20 so they dont get to work too often !
View attachment 3837000View attachment 3837001
And please send some good thoughts for our little Piou-piou. She's not doing well and we can't find what's wrong 😔.
View attachment 3837002
Sending good wishes for good health for Piou-piou.
I know it's hard to make a decision like this. Truly, once he is gone, everyone in your family will be relieved and your relationship with your flock will improve. He may have been nice, in the past, with you, but he hasn't been nice with your mom. I hope letting him go will make it easier to deal with his offsprings if they turn out not so nice.
Yeah, at least I have one of his sons. My old riding instructor has two of his sons and some of his daughters. It’s just extremely sad for me because he started my obsession with chickens. His sister Splotch is okay, but she’s not very tame. My brother would play with her when they were chicks, and he dropped her a few times. It made her kinda scared of people I think. I’m not exactly sure why she doesn’t care for people. I can sometimes pet her. But Pastel was always special to me. He’d fly on my shoulders whenever he saw me and stuff. But I agree that it will be better if he’s gone.

Sarah (Auggie’s old owner) doesn’t have an English girth that will fit him. I may have to ride Western if I do ride today.
Luckily I have ridden Western a few times.
One time I was on a trail ride and my instructor told me to canter. It was fun. A little scary, because I didn’t ride that horse very often. Another time I rode that same horse, Abbey, she spooked at a rabbit and bolted. I was riding with a friend and Zola (the mustang she was riding) also bolted. We were both okay, just a little shaken up.

Here was my brother on Abbey around Christmas. She’s pretty old, in her mid 20’s. She’s 14.2 hands, so she’s literally on the border between a horse and pony.
It's really simple. If you are not posting about chickens, include a picture of chickens so it is about chickens. This is a thread about chickens.

You just need to think like this...

I made English muffins don't they look great! Oh, and here's a chicken.

There was a time I considered banning non-chicken talk because chickens had become secondary. This is the solution to that. The thread flies along with all kinds of chatter. Let's at least include chickens in the chatter.
Hi Bob

Ask Queen Aurora if she considers me a chicken now, I lay lovely pink eggs just like her gorgeous ones.



OH No! What am I going to do?!

I have stowaways 😳

Actually no they are not from yesterday, and not a real coincidence that Peavey Mart has the same Bantams as TSC had yesterday, I am betting Hoovers shipped Bantams to both Peavey and TSC this week.

These where the very last two chickies in the store and they were screaming up a storm, broke my heart to hear them so distressed so I told the store clerk, give me a deal and I’ll take them off your hands. So 2 for the price of one and home they came!

Being bantams they are straight run. And in my case are likely both Roos…..

I wonder what sort of Bantams they are?

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