Can I just say this makes me love Pangoo so much? My girls OFTEN see threats before I do. I make for a really pathetic rooster.
Oh yes I keep threatening to get rid of him, but I guess he will have to stay šŸ˜Š

I can't believe he saw that great big hawk and I didn't, but then bird visual acuity is far greater than ours, it why they r so good at pecking. There was a study done once on how birds actually can peck to fast at grains of food, their eyes and brain process things far better than ours!
Well, clearly our girls have drastically different behavior. I 100% stick by believing that is an alert. Not an alarmā€¦ with an alarm, they run for cover. With an alert, they stand still. At least they do in my flock. Some will ignore it and preen, as shown in my video.
On the video you posted nobody ignored the alert sound until you started talking and then they relaxed and some started preening.
I looked at Beetov-Hens grave tonight, while tucking in the others. Itā€™s dark outside, but I imagined her standing on top of the grave , saying ā€œgoodbye daddy , I didnā€™t get a chance to tell you that ā€œ :hugs
I'm sorry you lost Beetov-hens :( :hugs

You gave her a wonderful life and she's there with you all now.

I have my suspicions that princess is a Turkey more than a chicken she's so fat

I have to return yet another dehumidifier these don't last a six months let alone a year
I have two to compare.
The first is Elizabeth on the roost. I remember standing right there and puzzling why she seemed so relaxed but was making that sound. Maybe something she saw out the window (I couldnā€™t see a thing but that doesnā€™t mean much).

The second is one I know she was warning the flock. I donā€™t remember if I could see what was worrying her.

They are very similar sounds and could both be alerts. But it seems to me the ā€˜possibly relaxedā€™ one is louder and a bit harsher.
Or do you think they are the same?

Rest In Peace Elizabeth. I am sorry you had to leave us so young.

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