Maybe your gang have cabin fever from not being able to get outside. It sounds like you have lots of space with a whole barn, but I have found that the more space the better for those inevitable Canadian winter weather days.
Yep pretty sure they are bored, I usually let them go out for a bit on Mount Poopmore, but with all the snow and now it's in hip deep drifts, I am trying to clear paths to everything.

I had a good chuckle when they ran outside only to be met with piles of snow preventing them from getting any further than the front door - that's when Pangoo decided I was fair game! The brat!

I tried veggies but they just ignore their carrots etc which freeze and then they won't even look at them. So I make interesting piles with the hay, spend time entertaining them... That could also be why they were bonkers - I wasn't there to be their entertainment and peacekeeper all day! I get my network fixed out there it's business as usual and I can once again keep any eye on them while I work, it's a wonder I get anything done when I am working from home!!! I could work for me forever 💖
Were chickens protected by the Celtic religion? Have you heard of this @Ribh ?
I am still reading but what i know so far is that at that time chickens were used religiously and for fighting.
The Romans ate them (and also liked eggs). When the Romans left chicken fell out of favor as food as people preferred pork and goose.
Fun fact from the chicken and civilization book. When Julius Caesar invaded Britain in 55 BC he was surprised that it was against the law to eat chickens.
Apparently that was so due to some religious thingy ~ like hares. I'd never heard of it but have checked & apparently 'twas so.

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