The weather yoyo is making me nuts too, sunny and 70s on Tuesday, not sure it hit 50 yesterday (hasn't today) and we just got a frost watch for tonight.

"Any water left in there?"

Full of rain again today of course.

One chicken or two?
They watch us while we watch them too ❤️
Haha totally! My flock watches my every move. They can see into the kitchen and bathroom, and if I make moves for the side door which leads to the yard, they sound an alarm and all line up to watch me. No sneaking up on them!
I want to give a warning as I know some members on this thread have Marans chicks at the moment. Prepare yourselves. They WILL go broody.

Oof, I do appreciate an explicit warning like this.

I’m down to two marans chicks now- a tall lanky one with a spiky comb and no tail, and a petite little thing with no tail and nearly no wing feathers either. All information online says they’re both probably Roos. :confused:
Haha totally! My flock watches my every move. They can see into the kitchen and bathroom, and if I make moves for the side door which leads to the yard, they sound an alarm and all line up to watch me. No sneaking up on them!

Oof, I do appreciate an explicit warning like this.

I’m down to two marans chicks now- a tall lanky one with a spiky comb and no tail, and a petite little thing with no tail and nearly no wing feathers either. All information online says they’re both probably Roos. :confused:
They don’t sound like chickens, no wing feathers or tail? Maybe they are hamsters 🐹 :lau
I just got home from town. Sir Jaffar spoke to me saying “thanks daddy for the tour of Main Street!,
And are all the people in this town idiots, or just a few of those lousy drivers?” :confused:
Yeah, he speaks what is on his mind.
(I went to get a vaccine booster and some things for personal health at CVS) :thumbsup

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