RC. You know that I’m a pilot. So any landing I can walk away from is a good one!
True! It looked like a touch and bounce landing to me hahaha!

Excited to join in on chicken experiences.
Good morning and welcome!

We all would love to see some photos of your chickie friends :)

(Me especially as I am stuck here going nowhere...)
Saturday Synopsis 5/4-5/10

- By-Bob had a humourous encounter with his Lady Featherington and some sushi - Lady F grabbed a whole sushi chunk and scarfed it back in one glutch down the gullet! His description was hilarious!
He has been super busy at work and could not be a scribe for Aurora on Wednesday.
Hattie is laying again. Link to the picture.
Link to Aurora video.

-Royal Mouse - snow-backed chicken pics:

-Chicory Blue - A few huge eggs!

-Valarie took some beautiful photos of her flock.

-TX Chicken Noob glow up pics of her chicken.

-Lilion a video and great pics of her chickens

- RoyalChick was worried about Eli, who had a very odd-looking poop one day. She was on poop duty the next day, and all seems ok now - maybe something she ate...?
She is also looking into getting some chicks to strengthen her flock. She has been researching breeders in her area; she is keen on getting black-colored hens.
She also continues having Eli and Babs fly onto the rafters to roost at night. Time will tell if that continues!

-Featherhead007 had a bit of a scare when his gateway was opened, and he 'sort of' misplaced 3 of his ladies. Thank you, Jaffar, for saving the day! (Alex, I hope you finally gave him some steak!)
Hen Hen-Rietta has a sore on her foot that Alex is treating - We hope she will be fine.

- RebeccaB posted about her marshmallow chicks roosting, but mama Chiquita wanted them in their nest with her.
Rebecca decided to hatch! Follow the link for details on what is in the incubator.
Post in thread 'Fluffy Butt Acres: Stories of our flock'
Also, here is a link to pics and video of the marshmallow crew
Post in thread 'Fluffy Butt Acres: Stories of our flock'

- Kris had a run-in with an eagle; from what I can gather Sammy got a torn earlobe from attacking the eagle, but Little Sister has a severe wound on her back. Kris is waiting to see what her Husband thinks about the wound
Kris reported that her 'Eagle Girl' seems ok; we will follow this closely to ensure it stays that way.
Kris' Little Sister, who had the run-in with the eagle, is doing fine - yay!

- Micstrachan dropped in to post some fantastic photos of her gals; sorry to hear she is again ill with evil covid. Also, her lovely Little Mill's limp is getting worse, and her belly is swollen.
News with Micstrachan is that she has an order in for some chicks end of March/beginning of April - I, for one, can't wait to see them!

- Ponypoor is heading home (yay!), so she will be offline for a few days. She will try to give an update each night.

-Pastel is sick with a cold and home from school, and her pullet laid her first egg to make her feel better. The link is to the egg picture.
Willow the pullet that laid the egg link

Some fluffy butt Friday links randomly chosen:
Post in thread 'Fluffy Butt Acres: Stories of our flock'
Post in thread 'Fluffy Butt Acres: Stories of our flock'
Post in thread 'Fluffy Butt Acres: Stories of our flock'
Post in thread 'Fluffy Butt Acres: Stories of our flock'
Post in thread 'Fluffy Butt Acres: Stories of our flock'
Chickens in the morning
I have talked (complained) a lot about the Math Majors roosting up in the rafters.
I have not posted as much about them coming down.
Here we have the morning landings. One perfect. One not quite so perfect.

This makes me think of me and pool. I understand all the calculations and angles. The execution of that is what I am not so good at! :lau

Just like me, I think Babs just needs more practice.:lau:lau:lau:lau:lau:lau:lau
20 are in. Depending if I can get the cochins eggs and more Marans a few more may go in.
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Soooooo eggciting! Can't wait!

Mini panic attack this morning. Look outside to see Chiquita and 3 of the marshmallows relaxing by the grill. Where are the other 2?
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I should not have worried, they are under the watchful eye of Branch at the opposite end of the back yard.
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Awwww - good Branch :) those chicks are sure growing up - such beauties!

Currently, there are 12 Marans eggs. 5 Cochin eggs, 1 goose and 2 Butter eggs. I'm hoping to catch the other cochin girls egg as soon as it is laid to throw in it. If the rest of the Marans lay today I will also toss those in as well and that will be it.
OK so can I count from yesterday as day '1'? I am really looking forward to seeing what you hatch!
I need help with a moral dilemma. Do you feed your chickens, well...chicken? I gave them some rice that had tiny amounts of chicken in it the other day... but it was largely rice. But tonight I cooked a large chicken and there is a significant amount of skin and fat and other waste.

I'm like...we can't put it in with the veggie scraps! My husband, much more practical than I, pointed out that eating your own species is a human taboo and that to animals, meat is meat.

I'm I wrong to be kinda weirded out?

Here's a picture of my sweet little prospective cannibals for moral dilemma tax.View attachment 3426157

Oh… the entertainment value of watching your chickens play football/chase with a drumstick is worth it! They love to eat chicken almost as much as every other omnivore out there. Once cooked/processed I have no issues with it anymore, although at first it was a little shocking to me. Even cuter? Let them have a Turkey drumstick… running around like the little velociraptors they are with a giant cousins leg one… adorable. Remember, given half a chance they will happily eat their unborn children as well! Little egg thieves! 😂

I am a bit weirded out by it, and since getting chickens find I eat less chicken myself, but the chickens don’t care!
So yes, give them the chicken and maybe don’t watch because they are enthusiastic little cannibals!
My concern would be with the amount of fat in the skin and actual fat bits, the (empty) calories. But yes, they are little dinosaurs…Personally I’m sorrier and more freaked out by seeing them catch and eat whole a hapless frog…..and you know they will eat eggs, here if an egg breaks they go right for the yolk, it is gold and highly prized. Luckily they do not try to break and eat eggs here. I have lots of ceramic eggs in the nest boxes to help guard against that.
I think this is one reason a Momma Hen guards her eggs and brood so fiercely! She knows the risks to her babies. It’s not just external predators she has to worry about!
Good morning everyone from Carrington ND - it's a Blizzard!

But the wonders of modern technology and I can see my chickies - they are waiting for Mum to go out and set them free. Ohhhh and another song popped into my head "I want to be free..." by Queen :) )

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But “the legend lives on, from the Chippewa down to the big lake that they call gitchagoomy!” I hear that song 🎶 playing in your background. From Gordon Lightfoot.
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But “the legend lives on, from the Chippewa down to the big lake that they call gitchagoomy!” I hear that song 🎶 playing in your background. From Gordon Lightfoot.
I want to be singing 'on the road again'..... hahaha!

I am almost tempted to try going out Hwy 200, down 1 and connecting to Hwy 94 over to Fargo.... but I know they have a 'no travel' advisory out for all roads. If I could find out from a trucker what they road is actually like I would be tempted.

Then there is something to be said for being warm and safe in a hotel room....


Missing my Chickies Tax
Doroty says 'Stay Put'!

OK I will stay put! but I won't like it.... but I will hate to be off into the 'rhubarb' and have to be hauled out by a tow truck even more!

And silly Kelly tax:
After all this is why I want to be home safe! I have chicks ordered!

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