Weekly Synopsis - 17 Fen to 24 Feb 2024

First off let’s congratulate our winners of the valentine’s contest

Knoturavggrl and her Wonderful Roo Lore along with a photo from DesertValleyChickens

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And now for the weekly news!

Grandma the Chicken


Never disappoints with the lonely photos, this one is amazing!

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We are always glad when GtC drops in to say hi with her lovely ladies. Mozzarella looks very lovely in this last photo

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Mr 007 (aka Alex) is looking into getting a few chicks, maybe 4 or 6…. He is looking for really young chicks he can bond with.

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Seems that his chooks do not appreciate peanut butter! Teeheehee 😁

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Seems his ladies are still on strike and Mr 007 is looking for someone to send him eggs - a couple dozen weekly 😆

Oh Alex I would send you lots if I could 💕

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Such a nice scene, all the Ladies are enjoying themselves

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And it’s so wonderful his ladies are starting back laying eggs after a winter hiatus.

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Royal Chick


RC observed a rare occurrence in her Chicken Palace - all her beauties were roosting together. I say they were making a statement regarding the weather - RC also agrees!

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RC has some beautiful eggs, I would feel guilty eating those lovely eggs! So pretty, and seems that Tassels lays a rock hard shelled egg! And it’s a gorgeous purple plum colour - how marvellous is that!

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Look at these beauties RC’s ladies are laying - just lovely.

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We are always pleased when we hear from her, and just look at here beautiful coop, I love the colour!

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Another of her lovely pullets has joined the ranks of laying ladies, Spooky is now laying lovely eggs. Come on Poppet we are curious to see your eggs!

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We all agree that many people these days have no idea where their food comes from…. Meanwhile who knows maybe horses do lay green eggs 😊

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And seems Rebecca is quite smitten with some local Guinea Hens - I too would like some (but I can’t afford a bigger barn!).

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I want to give a shout out to CB on a fabulous synopsis last week, the commentary was perfect.

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Did someone say peanut butter??? Some like it, some may be on the fence…

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Her new nestboxes are a huge hit with her ladies, and now Avalon has decided it is time to be a mama!

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Seems everyone’s hens are cranking up the egg production - our chooks are amazing aren’t they?!

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And some wise words to all of us who are planning on raising chicks this year (hahaha I am doomed!).

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By Bob


Another mystery has been solved - his ladies are sneaky!

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Rural Mouse


It was a close call with Sherlock gaining access to the chooks and caused a bit of trouble, everyone is ok, but RC is planning on ramping up Sherlock’s training.

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Seems everyone is getting back to normal

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And has decided to help train Sherlock some chicks are needed (babies! Yay!!).

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Such lovely vistas to share with Sherlock and the new arrivals - babies!

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And we know what breeds they are:

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And let the naming of the babies begin!

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….and @notabitail also made some suggestions 😊

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This site RM posted is excellent for colour and breed discrimination:

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BMT weighed in on Sherlock’s training and have examples on how she trained her pup.

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Seems that her lovely silkie pullet Samara once again had a poopy bum, a nice shower was done and preening then commenced - gosh she is a pretty pullet

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All dried and looking gorgeous, and what a lovely beard she has.

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And Morinth is catching broody fever it seems 😊

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Oh. My. Gosh! That is one gorgeous blue egg - congratulations Liara on becoming an egg lady - so lovely!

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We all enjoy seeing Princess - she sure is doing well 😊 hi Marie!

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Has already planned her order of a dozen chicks for this year, I cannot wait to see them!

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We were all saddened to hear the passing of CC’s hen Victoria. She was a lovely hen such a beauty, losing our pets is always so difficult.

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Seems that the beautiful Light Brahma Cluckie who was not acting right and seemed ill was noted to have a damaged toe - poor Cluckie! Chickens - they are as bad as kids getting onto scraps and getting injured. But we love them anyways ❤️

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Finally Ms Cluckie is starting to feel better 🥰

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DV has truly gorgeous chooks and this fellow is absolutely splendid.

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Grandma the Chicken


Grandma knows how to get what she wants 😁 ice cream!

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It was wonderful to hear from Greg but we are all sorry to hear he has been under the weather, seems to be the time of year for all sorts of viruses and such.

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Also dropped in to give us an update on her happenings, seems a racoon is responsible for getting a couple her chooks; and her lovely goat, Arduinna, had a run in with a neighbour’s dog, no one injured there, just some frayed nerves.

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Hope I didn’t miss anyone. Have a great week everyone!
The incomplete parts are my head scratchers too. Hazarding a guess, those are the incredibly rare/extinct types so we will never see unless we do some serious breeding specifically for those traits...........

I don't see either of us doing that.

Blue vs lavender: the lavender is all over. Blue seems to have a darker toned head (at least in the ladies), probably extended into saddle feathers in a roo (based upon pics I've seen of Blue andalusians).
Interesting. Hattie is a lavender but seems to have a darker head. 🤔

Will Betty be laying full sized (for silkies) eggs by then? If not, keep her with Bert. If she's just barely started laying, her eggs shouldn't be incubated as they aren't quite big enough for chicks to properly develop. You don't want to be dealing with chicks (those that survive) with physical problems, do you?
I hadn’t planned on using any of her eggs as she isn’t a pure silkie, she was 13 weeks this past Thursday.

I just didn’t want to keep her with the main gang, if P and B started trying to breed her, she is fairly tiny.
Adult eye color between australorps and giants is different. 1 has bay (orangey) and the other has black.
My first chicks were Black Australorps from TSC. One has dark eyes, and the other two have orange eyes. But TSC (from Townline, here) is not known for SOP birds.
Blue vs lavender: the lavender is all over. Blue seems to have a darker toned head (at least in the ladies
My second chicks were from a small hatchery. I wondered if the Blue Australorps were in fact Jersey Giants. And one of them might have been lavender, as she certainly had the feather shredding going on.
Interesting. Hattie is a lavender but seems to have a darker head. 🤔

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That's not as dark as a blue. More this sort of contrast. Also note the "lacing" on the feathers. I think the lavender doesn't have that edge.
Please ignore Indigo's red feathers around her face for the purposes of demonstrating blue. (I'm amazed she posed so well)
I hadn’t planned on using any of her eggs as she isn’t a pure silkie, she was 13 weeks this past Thursday.

I just didn’t want to keep her with the main gang, if P and B started trying to breed her, she is fairly tiny.
If they start trying to breed her, she should be laying within 2 weeks of that. Prior, they should leave her alone as there are so many ladies of breeding age.
My first chicks were Black Australorps from TSC. One has dark eyes, and the other two have orange eyes. But TSC (from Townline, here) is not known for SOP birds.

My second chicks were from a small hatchery. I wondered if the Blue Australorps were in fact Jersey Giants. And one of them might have been lavender, as she certainly had the feather shredding going on.
Interesting, and good to know.
If they start trying to breed her, she should be laying within 2 weeks of that. Prior, they should leave her alone as there are so many ladies of breeding age.
Yes and I can always move her in there away from the monster boys 😊

It just would be hard to know which eggs would be hers…..

Maybe she will lay white eggs..?

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